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Adrenalina 360 began filming on June 1, 2010 and concluded in January 2011.

Determining the technical team of a series is a complex process; getting it to work in a coordinated, efficient way and, above all, that it fulfills the common purpose of making the artistic work with quality, is almost a work of art in itself. For months the specialists share more than twelve hours a day, from Monday to Saturday, several times throughout the early morning, a work and communication routine that is intense, demanding quick responses and reconciling different points of view and ways of doing things. Once the productive machinery has been started, it does not rest, it does not stop until the last shot, the last scene, the last "Cut!".


Assembly and rehearsal of a scene in the area of the ramps. The actors with the General Director.

The General Directorate of Adrenalina 360 is the responsibility of Pablo Javier López Rivas (el Chino), who has been co-director of several television series, together with Roly Peña: "Enigma of a summer", "Coco verde", "For sport and for love ", and the police "Patrulla 444"; likewise as general director, he has several teleplays and stories where they stand out  "This time is the time" and "Mom: open your eyes!", aimed at young audiences. 


Adrenalina 360 is the teleseries opera prima as General Director for Pablo Javier, who optimistically accepted responsibility for the project after several directors rejected the work due to the production complexity involved. Although Pablo Javier comes to the series after it was fully written, the working relationship with the writers was established steadily during the pre-production process. The productive adjustments to the work, based on the conditions already foreseen for the shooting, were carried out in close coordination with the script team and the intervention of the consultants of the Aventuras space. 

The general director is accompanied during the making of Adrenalina 360 by the co-direction of Jonal Cosculluela Sánchez, a young director who is also making his debut directing series with this work.

Pablo Javier López se inicia como Director General de series con Adrenalina 360

A production team with experience in handling situations of physical risk and very young acting groups, directed by the General Producer, Luis Orlando Fernández Almeida, carries out the shooting. The filming producers Miriam Reyes Cuello and César González Izquierdo, together with the advanced producer María Josefa (MariJo) Pérez and the production assistant Amelia Egozcue, complete the staff that has to his credit productive "Historias de fuego", and the liked youth series "A lot of noise".  Along with the advice of Nilda (Niky) Pérez Monteagudo, who has participated from the conception of the series up to the moment of production, the work of assistant directors Jesús Martínez Vega, Orlando (Landy) Sánchez Cardentey, and the first assistant Yaumara Ferrer Argudín, and the coordinators: Luis Padrón Pérez and Anaylín Cruz, combining experience and youth, in the essential support for the work of management and the confluence of the different technical specialties.   

AD360_Production Team_MariJo_Miriam_Yaumara.jpg

(From left to right.) Producers Mari Jo Pérez -Advanced-, Miriam Reyes -Filming- and Assistant Director Yaumara Ferrer.

In charge of the image is a young but already proven Director of Photography, for whom the series has been an interesting professional challenge with regard to the conception and innovation of equipment, gadgets of his own creation, to obtain the photography that this type of work requires. Héctor (Papito) García Rodríguez, after his work on "Historias de fuego" and the novel "Diana",  now takes the reins of the image in Adrenalina 360; Along with Alexander Escobar, he is accompanied as lighting chief by Danilo Aguilar Pérez and Conrado Suárez (Pupy) in the lighting effects.

As for Sound, Maykel Alfonso leads the team, along with Yasser García Sánchez. All at the head of a very young and willing group that activates the cameras, microphones and lights.


Héctor (Papito) García. Director de Fotografía de Adrenalina 360

The edition of the series, one of the most important specialties and whose workload will have to be accentuated at the beginning of the year 2011, once the filming and the creation of the animation products have concluded, will be in the hands of Ernesto Reyes Estévez, another young and talented creative.


Adrenalina 360 has the particularity of including 16 animation pieces in its production, created by the ICRT Animation Department (directed by Jean Alex Noa) and the ICAIC Anima group, based in  the province of Holguín and headed by Adrián López Morín.


In the photo above, the author of the main soundtrack of the series (introduction and closing themes), Ernesto Blanco, prepares to record scenes of a concert that is part of one of the first episodes of the adventure.

To the experience and expertise of Omar Valdés López in Special Effects, and of the group leader of the Remote Unit Agustín Finalé Hernández, joins that of the script Julia Renterí. While the specialties of Set Design, Setting,  Costumes and Makeup are under the aegis of José Jáuregui, Doralgis García, Rafael Orama and Hermes Pineda, respectively.

These are the main people responsible for the staging of Adrenalina 360, but of course they are not the only ones who produce the work. Dozens of technicians and workers work alongside them, from cameras to support services: drivers, pantrists, CVP, without whom it would be impossible to carry out a project as complex and collective as the production of a television series of this nature. .


The park with the "area of the ramps", the main location where approximately 55% of the scenes of the series are recorded.

And a special mention deserves the skaters, skaters and BMX, practitioners of the different modalities who have participated as doubles, extras, consultants, trainers and even in the reconstruction of the main location: the park of the ramps: Tony, Lazarito, Jefferson, Miguelito, Yojaine (Mamerto); Fernando, Rodney (el Loco), Marcel, among many more; they who have inspired the original idea, have been essential in its realization and for whom, in the first place, this teleseries of sports adventures has been brought to life.


Extreme sports practitioners, turned coaches, doubles and even actors, while they review the scripts for technical advice.  

Adrenalina 360, a project of great productive complexity, beyond a question of costs, complex in the sense of the way of doing it, has been an indisputable challenge for the filmmakers and specialists in the professional, labor and personal sense. The more or less happy results of the decisions made, will result in a staging that the public will be able to savor and value by the middle of next 2011.

Versión del artículo publicado en el sitioweb Algo que declarar,

en noviembre de 2010, por Anabel Enríquez.

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